arabic distiches of abbasid poets in the history of jahangoshay-e-joweini


دکتر عبدالرضا سیف

دانشگاه تهران محی الدین امجدی

دانشگاه تهران


the history of jahangosha is a literary-historical work created byata malik joweini using verbal and spiritual industries and several metaphors and allegories from different quranic and islamic traditions and persian and arabic poems. one important aspect of this work, adducing or borrowing from arabic distiches, is going to be analyzed in this paper. joweini has used many different arabic verses to make his work more literary. sometimes he imports a hemistich or a distich in the statement in a way that confusion will be the result of its omitting, and sometimes, uses it to confirm its own subject. there are many different distiches of arab poets in this work. abbasid poets, such as abu novas, abu tamam, motenabbi, abu al-?athiyya, abu al-?ala?mo?ari and etc. are being analyzed among them inthis essay.

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